Place an order over $100, enter a business name at the checkout, and you could win 20 custom-embroidered caps for your brand. T&Cs apply.
Place an order over $100, enter a business name at the checkout, and you could win 20 custom-embroidered caps for your brand. T&Cs apply.
Home > Journal > Save your end-of-life workwear from landfill

Save your end-of-life workwear from landfill

Save your end-of-life workwear from landfill

Once your Worktones garments have been worn to death, throwing them in the bin is no longer your only option.

In 2024, Worktones launched a program in partnership with BlockTexx, a clean technology company that uses science and engineering to turn textile waste into sustainable products.

BlockTexx can turn Worktones’ end-of-life workwear back into valuable real-world products. Through their state-of-the-art textile resource recovery process, textile waste is now re-manufactured back into new materials.

By using BlockTexx state-of-the-art textile resource recovery process, Worktones aims to take a significant step in reducing our environmental impact and contribution to waste.

If you would like to participate, you can drop off or ship your aprons and uniforms of any condition and quantity to the Surry Hills showroom (Suite G01/50 Marshall St, Surry Hills NSW 2010). We’re open 10-4 pm Monday to Friday.

No notice is required, but we’d love to know if you're interested so we can better optimise the process. You can complete an expression of interest form here.


Can I return items that aren’t Worktones branded?

Unfortunately not. Our garments have been tested with BlockTexx to ensure they can be processed correctly.

What items can I return?

The only Worktones items that can’t be returned are accessories such as caps. Otherwise the rest of our workwear range - aprons, pants, shirts, coveralls and jackets - are accepted.

I don’t live in Sydney, how can I return my items?

At this stage, the only option is to ship the items. If there’s greater interest outside Sydney, we’d love to explore more convenient and accessible options which is why completing the expression of interest form can help us gauge demand.  

Why should I return my items?

Textile waste is a significant environmental problem, with roughly 210,000 tonnes of clothing thrown away every year in Australia (Australian Fashion Council). As synthetics are particularly harmful, Worktones is committed to using natural fabrics that naturally decompose. Nonetheless, minimising waste remains a priority and BlockTexx is a really good solution.

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